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CRISPR technology

CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) technology has recently occupied the Olympus of life-changing discoveries. In a couple of years this revolutionary technique that enables changing genomes in a fast and easier way has found an honored place in many areas of science, healthcare and industry. CRISPR deserves the name of a game changer and continues to be explored by scientists in different applications far beyond the walls of research laboratories. Despite continuous discussions about ethical limits of genome modifications, customizing of genomes in a wisely regulated way might have a lot of positive effects. Editas Medicine who was one of the pioneers of industrial applications of CRISPR technique, in a couple of years has reached enormous results in a field of medicine. Leaving out the discussions about ethical issues related to human germ line editing ,  flash4science focuses today on the use of CRISPR in food industry. Recent...