Life is a sincere teacher. It is always ready to teach us lessons, even if we are not interested and do not want to learn them. The relationships we entered, stayed in, or even ended teach us a lot. The irony is that most of the time, the writing is on the wall, but we prefer to look away finding it too harsh to accept. Too late in life I learnt many lessons which I would like to share with my readers.Looking back at my life as I have reached the threshold of old age, there are times when I wonder….. There are so many ifs and buts concerned! What would life have been if I had learnt my lessons on time? Maybe the face of my life would have been totally different (though I can not say better) today. Too late in life I learnt to take a stand. Often when I found myself in a confronting situation, I preferred to retreat instead of holding my grounds and fighting for what was right in my opinion. The coward inside me, feared the disapproval of the people I...
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