Fearless, known in Chinese as Huo Yuanjia and Jet Li's Fearless in the United Kingdom and the United States, is a 2006 film directed by Ronny Yu and starring Jet Li. It is loosely based on the life of Huo Yuanjia, a famous Chinese martial artist who challenged foreign fighters in highly publicised events, restoring pride and nationalism to China at a time when Western imperialism and Japanese manipulation were eroding the country during the last few years before the birth of the Republic of China. Li stated in an interview that this film is his last wushu martial arts epic, a point also made in the film's television promotions and other publicity.
Fearless was released on January 26, 2006 in Hong Kong, on
June 23, 2006 in the United Kingdom, and on September 22, 2006 in the
United States.
Martial arts legend Huo Yuanjia became the most famous fighter in all of
China at the turn of the 20th Century. Huo faced personal tragedy but
ultimately fought his way out of darkness and into history, defining the
true spirit of martial arts. His self-discovery, and the choices he
made, inspired his nation. The son of a great fighter who did not wish
for his child to follow in his footsteps, the bullied Huo Yuanjia
resolves to teach himself how to fight - and win. Years of training
enable him to ace match after match in his home region of Tianjin. But
as his fame as a martial arts master grows, so does his pride. After an
ill-advised fight leads to another master's death, members of Huo's
family are slain in revenge. Grieving and ashamed, Huo wanders the
country in shock. Near death, he is rescued by women from an idyllic
village, and is offered simple kindness and generosity that help him
heal and regain his equilibrium over a period of several years...
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