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The Measurement of Time or Time Scale

The Measurement of Time or Time Scale

Surya Siddhanta, Bhaskaracharya calculated the time taken by the Earth to revolve around the Sun up to the 9th decimalplace. According to Bhaskaracharya's calculation it is 365.258756484 days.

Modern scientists have accepted Nasa's value of the same time as 365.2596 days.

The difference between the two observations made by ancient Hindu sage Bhaskaracharya  just by using his super brain (in
the 4th century AD) 
and today's NASA (National Aeronautic and Space Agency)scientists of America by using super computer (in the20th century AD) is only 0.00085, i.e., 0.0002 per cent of difference.

The ancient Bharatbhoomi had given the world the idea of the smallest and largest measuring units of Time. In
modern time, only Stephen Hawkings, Cambridge University Professor of theoretical physics, had the courage to venture into the abysmal
depth of the eternity of Time

 Astonishingly, our ancient sages have determined the following units of time:

Krati =34,000th of a second
Truti =300th of a second
2 Truti =1 Luv
2 Luv = 1 Kshana
30 Kshana =1 Vipal
60 Vipal = 1 Pal
60 Pal = 1 Ghadi (=24 Minutes)
2.5 Ghadi = 1 Hora (=1 Hour)
24 Hora = 1 Divas (1 Day)
7 Divas = 1 Saptah (1 Week)
4 Saptah = 1 Maas (1 Month)
2 Maas = 1 Ritu (1 Season)
6 Ritu = 1 Varsha (1 Year)
100 Varsha = 1 Satabda (1 Century)
10 Shatabda = 1 Saharabda
432 Saharabda = 1Yug(Kali Yuga))
2 Yuga = 1 Dwapar Yuga
3 Yuga = 1 Treta Yuga
4 Yuga = Kruta Yuga
10 Yuga = 1 Maha Yuga (4,320,000)
1000 Maha Yuga = 1 Kalpa
i.e. 1 Kalpa = 4.32 Billion Years.

Thus, the lowest was 34,000th of a second known as krati and the highest of the measurement of the Time was known as kalpa,
which equalled to 4.32 billion years.

Swami Vivekananda, the modern sage of Bharat, stated in hisfamous sermons compiled in his Rousing Call to the Hindu Nation,
"Take pride in Hinduism; pronounce yourselves as a descendant of a Hindu.Boast to be a Hindu and give a clarion call to rouse the Hindu nation
from its lethargy and slumber."

The Invention of Decimal System:

It was the ancient Bharatbhoomi that gave us theingenious methods of expressing all the numbers by means of 10 symbols
(decimal systems)- an invaluable and gorgeous idea that escaped the genius ofArchimedes and Apollonius, two of the greatest Greek philosophers
and mathematician produced by antiquity (100-130BC).
The highest prefix used for raising 10 to the power intoday's mathematics is "D" for 10 raised 30 (for Greek Deca).

While as early as 100 BC Hindu mathematicians had exactnames for figures up to 10 raised to 53.

a. Ekam = 1
b. Dashkam = 10 (10 raised to 1)
c. 1 Shatam = 100 (10 raised to 2)
d. 10 Shatam = 1 Shahashram = 1000 (10 raised to 3)
e. 10 Dash Shahashram = 10,000 (10 raised to 4)
f. Laksha = 100,000 (10 raised to 5)
g. Dash Laksha = 10,00,000 (10 raised to 6)= Million
h. Kotihi = 10, 00, 0000 (10 raised to 7

i. Ayutam = 100,000,000 (10 raised to 9) = Billion
j. Niyutam = 100,000,000,000 (10 raised to 11)
k. Kankaram = 10,000,000,000,000 (10 raised to 13)
l. Vivaram = 10,000,000,000,000,000 (10 raised to 16)
m. Pararadahaa = 10 raised to 17
n. Nivahata = 10 raised to 19
o. Utsangaha = 10 raised to 21
p. Bahulam = 10 raised to 23
q. Naagbaalaha = 10 raised to 25
r. Titlambam = 10 raised to 27
s. Vyavasthaanapragnaptihi = 10 raised to 29
t. Hetuhellam = 10 raised to 31
u. Karahuhu = 10 raised to 33
v. Hetvindreeyam = 10 raised to 35
w. Sampaata Lambhaha = 10 raised to 37
x. Gananaagatihi = 10 raised to 39
y. Niravadyam = 10 raised to 41
z. Mudraabalam = 10 raised to 43
aa. Saraabalam = 10 raised to 45
ab. Vishamagnagatihi = 10 raised to 47
ac. Sarvagnaha = 10 raised to 49
ad. Vibhutangaama = 10 raised to 51
ae. Tallakshanaam = 10 raised to 53

Is it not amazing to know that the ancient Hindu sagesused to remember them just by using their outstanding memory

In Anuyogadwar Sutra, written around 100 BC, one numeral hadbeen shown to be raised to as high as 10 raised to 140 which is beyond our outmost stretches of imaginationAll of our remaininghidden treasures, which had not been destroyed or stolen by the foreign mercenaries and invaders, were written in Sanskrit,mother of all languages, which should be revived.

It is our legacy to inherit such rich property that our forefather had left for usby their meticulous observations over thousands of years ago.


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