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Why the keyboard don’t follow the alphabetically?

Everyone who uses your computer, you should have ever stopped to think: “Why the keyboard don’t follow the alphabetically?”.If you always had that doubt too harsh, read on and discover this mystery. Believe it or not, but the keyboard we use today – Known as QWERTY (Because the first six letters in the top row, left hand) – was chosen to make typing slower.This was because the first machines,rudimentary technology,when type fast the machines stopped.

When the American printer Christopher Latham Sholes (1819-1890) invented the typewriter,in 1868,tried to sort the letters in alphabetical order – as in the second row,where we have an almost complete sequence: DFGHJKL.

The position changes were made to force the typist to hit the keys on a proper speed,without entangling types.Therefore,the E and I,two of the most frequent letters in English,were removed from the second row,more accessible.the letter A,another of the more common,was relegated to the left little finger,the less skilled.

In 1932,after 20 years of study,August Dvorak,also American,created a keyboard that takes its name,extremely efficient for the English language:3000 words can be written with the letters of the main row (Versus 50 on the QWERTY keyboard) and the right hand is the most used.

Some manufacturers have come to realize competitions between the two keyboards to determine which was the best.Unfortunately, the typist who used the QWERTY keyboard had memorized the entire.Because of this, the QWERTY eventually became the industry standard and remains so today.


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